Wednesday, April 16, 2008

My first piano recital and other happenings.

On Tuesday, the 16th of April, I had my first piano recital at the music school!

I have been learning piano since around October and yesterday was my first real recital! I was so excited and nervous, but in the end it turned out pretty good. I didn't embarrass myself or anything, so that was good.

My mom and Caleb flew to the States today. Caleb has been having really severe pain in his stomach (intestines) and the doctors here in Czech didn't know what to do, so my mom and dad made the decision that they should fly back to the States. But it was really sudden, (I found out for the first time yesterday), because Caleb needed the help as soon as possible.

While mom and Caleb are gone, my dad will be taking care of Tyler and I, and a bunch of friends will be helping out with dinner and things like that. Thanks to those who are helping! It really makes a big difference and will make this whole process much more bearable!

Please pray for Caleb and my mom as they go visit the hospital in Portland!

Thursday, April 10, 2008


On Saturday my friend Lucy and I gathered up our stuff and headed up to Hotel Malenovice to babysit little kids!

Mr. Pitcher (Ken) offered us the job of babysitting kids ages 2-4 for parents at the CBV (it's a KAM/Staz thing) conference.. So Lucy and I happily agreed, and met up at Malenovice at 9:00 in the morning.
During that time, we played with and entertained five or six kids 'till 12:30. By that time Lucy and I were exhausted, it's a lot of work! I didn't expect it to be hard, but it was fun all the same. The kids enjoyed themselves and the parents got to enjoy some good seminars in peace. I hope that sometime I can do it again!

P.S. The two kids in the picture are some of the kids we babysat. There's Lia(American) and Tobias. They were both a lot of fun!