Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Gull Lake family camp!

As my mom posted on her blog-- we are so blessed! We had the opportunity to spend a week at a family camp in Michigan studying God's Word, getting to know new people, making friends, and reconnecting with old ones!

Two years ago we got to go to this same
camp, because my dad was invited to speak at it. He was invited back for this year, and spoke on "The God you never knew". I was in the kid's program (High Tide!), but I heard that he did great at his teaching.

I had so much fun spending time with so many American teenagers my age! It's
totally different being with a group of Czechs and Americans! I feel like I belong to both cultures, so I enjoyed a week in my "american side". God blessed me with lots of amazing, inspirational people last week, and I can't wait to continue on in my friendships with them!

My dad was invited to 2012 Gull Lake camp, and he accepted! Hopefully we really will be able to come back, because I love being there! It's like being at Disney world for me. I guess I should put Gull Lake on my list of favorite places here on the blog, shouldn't I?
Thank you Lord for such a great gift! I loved it!