Sunday, July 15, 2007


Last week when the boys were at camp, mom, dad and I went to Prague.

My dad had to speak at some kind of conference in Prague last Thursday so we went along with him and shopped while he was in the meeting. It was a lot of fun. We walked, talked, tried on some wacky clothes, my mom actually bought some! We also saw Shrek the third in English in the theater by the mall. I loved it!

We stayed at Hotel Krystal for two nights and then left Saturday morning.


Mike France said...

Hi Claire,

It is great that you have your own blog now. Bapa, Grandma and I can keep up with you as you are growing so fast.

I like the pink color too!

Uncle Mike

beccafredo said...

Hey Claire! nice blog! I'm excited to see your blogging personality! Love you!

Michelle Watson said...

Claire....I can't believe you have your own blog site! I wouldn't be able to figure out how to put one of these together unless someone helped me!!! It's great and it's fun hearing about your life.

Did I read this right...your mom bought crazy (or did you say "wacky?") clothes? That's awesome that you and she can try on fun clothes. I'm dying to see a picture of what you both bought! Remember when you're here in December that you and I get to have a date day where we can hit the stores and try on fun clothes too!!!

Love you lots, Michelle