Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Wonderful Christmas and a happy New Year

This year I had an awesome Christmas celebration! From my time with family, to yummy food, to fun Christmas carols, and the best part: celebrating Jesus' Birthday... everything was so sweet! Tyler flew in 5 days before Christmas, and it felt so special to have him home. The first night we all sat down to have dinner, it felt like our family was full again. Without Tyler, there's just something missing! I've enjoyed the sounds of a full house... walking up the stairs, the clinking of bowls, the closing of doors, and the sweet voices of everyone throughout the house! These sounds make me happy, because I can tell we have everyone at home again.

We spent Christmas Eve with the Till family. I loved being with them! As is tradition, we had fajitas for dinner. There hasn't been a Christmas Eve dinner that I can remember when we haven't had that for dinner!

On Christmas Day, I felt so blessed and happy, as God showed me his love through giving his Son for me, and also for giving me my family, a warm home and cheerful spirits. The Christmas Story means more to me every year, and every year I learn new things about it. I love having a reason to think about Jesus' birth all the time!

On New Year's Eve, the Ellenwood family came over and we had dinner, played
games, and watched some beautiful fireworks! I thought a lot about the year of 2009 and what all happened. I've experienced a lot of exciting things! I ended ninth grade and am now in high-school ; Tyler left for college ; I went to my first English Camp; I'm 15 years old! I've grown a lot through everyday challenges and trials, and I am so thankful to God for all the people who've encouraged me and helped me in this year. Thank you!

I don't know what all the year 2010 will hold, but I thank God for every day that I've had so far and every day that will come!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Just wanted to leave a note and say, "Nice job on your Christmas update!" I'm so glad you blog - you'll love looking back on it in years to come...and I like reading it now! Love you!!!