Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Last day of the last grade!

Today was the last day of ninth grade! Wow! And what a weird feeling it is to not be called a student at that school anymore. I have "graduated" from Zakladni skola (Basic school) with two 2's (B's) and the rest 1's (A's). I am really happy about that!

As I was walking around the school one last time before I left, memories came flooding into my mind of all the things that have happened there. That place is so familiar to me right now, I know every single hall way and stair case a
s if it were in my own home! And now I have to leave it and I will probably soon forget all of those places... sad.

I have been going to that school since second grade. I have memories from when I moved to that school on my birthday in second grade, how my friends changed through the years, when all three of us Americans (Lucy, Nicholas and me) got put into the same class in sixth grade.
I remember learning about Greek history, how to count percentages, the differences between longitudes and latitudes, what the periodical table of elements is and so much more!

But through the y
ears, I have not only learned facts and information. I have also learned how to be a better friend, how to respect my authorities, how to work as a team, my tricks to studying, how to not worry - or at least mostly (that was a big one). But the most important way I have grown in the past nine years of my schooling life is in my faith in God. I have learned so many things about Him, about the Bible and how I should live to glorify His name. For that, I am thankful! The challenges that I have faced through the years of school have made me question the kind of life I want to lead and the kind of friends I choose. It's these kinds of challenges that have made me the person I am. Without those trials and tests, I might not be prepared for the next leg of life in high school!

School has been one of the many places of learning in my life, not the only one. I have learned so many things and am grateful for the time I have gotten to spend in that school!

But, alas, that time doesn't last forever. So I am a little sad to say that that time is over... and the next chapter begins. Goodbye Zakladni Skola Komenskeho (My school)! And thank you for all you have taught me!!


Anonymous said...

Hi... just happen to cross your site... I see that you also love Disney... me too...

Im planning to go to Tokyo or Hong Kong Disney this Christmas. Hoho and I found some stuffs from Hong Kong Disneyland here as well:

I will definitely take tones of photos there!!!

The Stephens said...

Thanks for sharing all your stories! I so enjoy reading your blog!

Mike France said...

You learned Greek history??? Very cool. We have something in common!!!

Congrats on moving to the next level...High School!

Unknown said...

This is the sweetest and most insightful blog post Claire. I loved it!! You are so thoughtful in your writing...or maybe, I should say contemplative. Anyway...it's sweet to read your thoughts and ponderings on life at Zakladni Skola these past years.

I'm excited about what's ahead for you at BMA now!
Love, Mom

beccafredo said...

Claire, thanks for sharing your thoughts and musings about the end of this chapter of your life. Wow! It's a big chapter. I also remember the birthday you started at Komenskeho...seems like ages ago! You have definitely learned a lot and grown a lot over all these years! I'm so glad to have gotten to be your friend through them, and I'm proud to know you! Love you lots!