Sunday, September 27, 2009

A quick reminder...

Here's something that I've been reminded of today!

Trust God in everything because, you know what? HE PROVIDES and GIVES HELP to his Children! I know, amazing, huh? I sure think so! He really has shown me in the past couple of months how much he gives to me and people around me. I have just seen blessing after blessing come from God! And he never disappoints! EVER! How Awesome is that?!

In Church today, we talked about God being the perfect father... he is close to us, he communicates, he cares, protects, he is all-knowing, mighty, everlasting, loving, he listens, and helps, he's kindhearted, merciful and just! And there are so many other amazing words that God is! The list goes on and on and on. But what comforts me, is that I get to have the privilege of being God's child and having him as my Father in heaven... because he's the best I could get!

So today was just a good reminder (in a lot of ways!) how great our God is!
"How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!" -1 John 3:1


Unknown said...

Beautiful blog post Claire! He sure does provide and is SO good to us!

Thanks for writing about it!

Hannah Jones said...

This was amazing Claire! Thank you so much for reminding me of that fact. I really needed to hear it.
I love you!

Laurel Jackson said...

Thanks Claire. I didn't know it until I read it but I really needed to hear that today. Especially the part about all that God is :D.