Friday, January 29, 2010

The month of January

This month of January has been full of fun little things that made my days special. I got to celebrate birthdays (you'd be surprised how many there are in January!), and spend time with people that I really love.

Before Tyler left to go back to Moody, I got to have an art day with him! I'd been wanting to do this while he was here for Christmas, but didn't get to it until the very end of his time here. I was so happy that I got to have this special time with Tyler and it's a great memory that I have of him being here. He came into my room with his computer and sketchbook, and we listened to music while fun! We both worked on pictures with the lovely "Copic" markers, which I have come to adore! Although a challenge, they have become one of my favorite art mediums and I've loved experimenting with them.
(My drawing is a portrait- the picture is of someone I found on the internet. Tyler did a doodle (below) that he creatively thought up... it's so fun!)

Caleb's Birthday was another thing that was a really nice perk in the month! It was a pretty low-key party, but wonderful all the same. Mom made a gluten-free German chocolate cake that was to die for!! (link to recipe here) I am so thankful to have Caleb as my brother. He's so thoughtful, fun, adventurous, happy and friendly! It was great celebrating him, and remembering all these things that I love about him throughout the day. Thank you Caleb for being an awesome brother and friend too! :)

In the midst of all these fun things, we've had lots of snow and COLD COLD weather! Last week it got down to -23 C (about -8 F). Since then the temperature has been rising, and now sits at a lame 0 C... not cold enough for the snow to stay completely-- sad! Hopefully it will get colder again and we can have a little more snow. I like the snow at this time of year!


Unknown said...

LOVE your update!!! Where was the snow picture taken? It's beautiful!

Michelle said...

Yes, I loved seeing the amazing art work that both you and Tyler did, but do you know what caught my eye? I love your signature on the lower right side of the page! The way the "C" and "P" sit side by side is sooo cool! I think signatures on art is so distinctive so I love seeing even that part.

I've experimented with my own signature on my art and so maybe I need to work a little more on the way that "M" and "W" can go from one into the next. What I've done with most of my art is simply write, "M.Watson" but you've inspired me to reconsider what I'm doing!

TheDude said...

I should start copywriting my pictures :P

The Stephens said...

I mean seriously; you are so talented!

Laurel Jackson said...

What a great month! And that drawing is AMAZING! You are so talented!

Laurel Jackson said...
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